Tube Amp Recommendations

Looking for a tube amp, less than 3K and preferably not more than 2500 dollars, that can power Von Schewikert VR 4 JR speakers. I am using Morrow Audio SP2 speaker cables (a phenomenal produc, the highly acclaimed Audiohorizons tube pre-amp, an Alesis ML-9600 CD player/recorder, a Taddeo Digital Antidote, and LAT international as well as Audiohorizons interconnects.

I wish to avoid the extreme hassle that I experienced with VTL MB-225t monoblocks (will sell very cheaply)with the biasing. If not an autobias set up, I'd need some middle ground from what I went through with the VTL's. Monoblocks or single chassis are OK. Preferably Id like a company that has a reputation of being very service oriented if needed.

If there are amps out there that you can recommend, I am all ears. I am new to the tube game on the amp side. I do have a Music Reference 125 wpc amplifier that is very, very good on one of my systems. However, the audiophile in me wants to try something else.

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Showing 1 response by pdspecl

I have a SONIC FRONTIERS POWER 2 amp. VERY easy bias procedures. I've seen the SE factory upgraded version going around $2200. I have the regular version. Very detailed - lots of power. However, does not offer typical WARM tubey sound. If that's what you are after look elsewhere. Can sound very good if paired with the right speakers, preamp. Built very well.