To twist or keep separate

My prior system setup required 30 ft speaker cables but my new listening room allows me to get away with speaker cable runs of about 12 ft. My original cables were Kimber 4TC. Since I only now need 12 ft for the longest run, I cut the 30 ft lengths in half, terminated the ends,  and ran two identical length 15 ft lengths to the speakers (Triton 1r). Then I figured I'd terminate the extra lengths and double my run to the speakers so I now have 2 - 15 ft lengths of 4TC. I figure this essentially creates an 8TC cable which gives me more copper for the signal. Question is this; should I twist each pair of 4TC together simulating the Kimber construction or are the two 15 ft runs better kept apart to avoid any interaction?


Showing 1 response by lak

Personally, I try one channel with speaker cables run parallel and the other channel twisted. Listen and compare to judge for yourself. Post your results for others to read.