Thorens 145 MKII headshell?

Hi all,

I just purchased a Thorens 145 MKII. It needed a bit of TLC but is starting to simply amaze me. {Much better than my Pioneer PL510-A}

One thing I need is the headshell. It looks like this model didnt come with a headshell but a lever of some kind. { I need a bit of help with my terms}

I cannot find any info on this with searching here, vinyl engine, analog dept and google.

Does anyone know if an aftermarket headshell will fit, if so what would I look for.

Can I make one myself? It looks like I am just missing the lever.

It looks like an all stock table and arm.



Showing 1 response by sns

You mean you don't have the part to mount the cartridge to, this is the headshell. I have one from a Thorens TD160 arm I'm no longer using. I'm willing to sell, don't have a clue about price off the top of my head. Email me if interested.