This Schitt is totally refreshing in the world of high end audio!

Do yourself a favor and watch this when you have a few quiet moments.

The guys from Schitt Audio talk candidly in a way that is almost abnormal for manufacturers.  I found it informative, hilarious at times, and totally refreshing.
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They could take that show on the road, oh I guess they did. All Schitt aside, very interesting company and one I have bought into with the purchase of the Schitt Gumby dac which I use in my headphone set up and am very impressed with.
Yes, those guys really have their Schiit together.
I started with a Bifrost Multibit and kept moving upward. Each jump was for the positive.
I have a Gungnir that needs to be updated and think it will give my Ayre Codex a run for the money.