Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?

Showing 50 responses by georgehifi

Maybe it's an elaborate scheme on their part to get me to  destroy my equipment so they can sell me more? ;)
More like pandering to the voodooist to keep them on side so they buy more stuff off them. (keep it in the family so to speak)

Cheers George
but has anyone asked why not ALL manufacturers use these fuses in their components if they make their units sound better? If it were me, I would definitely signed a volume purchase contract with SR just to get some advantage over my competition. Sounds stupid?

+1 kalali

If they did, when all this b/s voodoo is finally realized, then they’d be tared with the same brush, and never ever be trusted again.

But SR has never stated in posts or writing themselves, that "these fuses will make your audio sound better", they’ve left it up to the audiophiles gullible "expectation bias" to sell them and keep the BS voodoo sales alive.

BTW Have you noticed that the directionality talk of these fuses has dropped totally,"the signs they are a changin" Dylan.
Cheers George
121 posts
01-18-2017 9:11am
3199 responses to this post. I just had to make it an even 3200. Also, this post makes me happy that I bought a pair of Pass Lab monoblocks. No Fuses; Thermal magnetic breakers.
Yeah, but the fuse voodooist will tell you, if you ripped all that out and put in a SR fuse it will sound better, WHAT A LOAD OF VOODOO ****!!!
Cheers George
I put a SR Red fuse into my preamp yesterday and it blew immediately.  I put the Radio Shack fuse back in the preamp and the preamp powers up fine.  That was a $50 "butt dart".  
It's all voodoo b/s. Send the fuse back and demand a $50 refund, and do not accept another bs higher rated fuse.
This SR Company has a lot to answer for with this s**t they're peddling, and the clowns that push (shill) it here relentlessly to  he gullible.

Cheers George

I put a SR Red fuse into my preamp yesterday and it blew immediately.  I put the Radio Shack fuse back in the preamp and the preamp powers up fine.  That was a $50 "butt dart".  
They can't even get the amperage rating right. Others have blown also. Like I said before if they were the + or - rail fuses say goodby to your amp and or speakers.
Get your money back asap, do not accept a higher rated fuse

It is THE POWER SUPPLY that is reponsible for the improvements. The fuse allow the power supply to perform more effectively and this, not the fuse, is responsible for the improved performance.
You can't have it both ways. Where and who stated this? and post a link to it please. 

I replaced 10 fuses in my system and after replacing the final fuse noted a fall-off in performance. I reversed the physical direction of the fuse and and optimum performance was restored. I DID NOT CONCLUDE THAT THE FUSE ITSELF IS INHERENTLY DIRECTIONAL.
The what are you trying to say, again you can't have it both ways.

Cheers George
Was it a mechanical connection problem ?
This is more the case and should have been first in line for consideration.

Even SR states their fuses are directional.
Please point to the link that states this.

Cheers George
51 posts
01-26-2017 5:44am
Highstream. I find that the SR black fuses increase the color and certainly the texture of instruments. The added detail and ambience give more life to the music, not just leading edge transients. Maybe in his system the SR fuses aren't working well.

Really!!!!!!!! you guys need to go back to natural, the hydro is messing with you.
51 posts and over half on fuse voodoo.

Cheers George
We don't want or need your sarcastic, uneducated remarks.

The gullible audiophiles do, to protect them from things said about fuses by members who's half of their total posts are about voodoo improvements with these holy grail of fuses!!!!

Quote: "I find that the SR black fuses increase the color and certainly the texture of instruments. The added detail and ambience give more life to the music, not just leading edge transients."

Cheers George

highstreamFleschler, not here! George, if you think that those of us who claim that fuses can make a difference are just gullible, why are spending your time here? In any case, you've made your point, so please move on.
You need to read my post again, it's not you I'm calling gullible, but the non fuser's that are easily led down the garden path, by the voodoo fuser's that state things like.
" I find that the SR black fuses increase the color and certainly the texture of instruments. The added detail and ambience give more life to the music, not just leading edge transients."

Still no manufactures links that state improved sound from these fuses.

Cheers George
I wish I knew how to post links, but I don’t.
Mac, what I simply asked was for a link to an Audiophile fuse manufacturer that states that their fuse will improve the sound of your system, not hearsay.

Cheers George
+1 Wolf and PTSS.

It's just a hand full of these shills that are conning the gullible to spend >$100 on a 50c mains fuse.
None of these shills have yet been able to post a link to the manufactures of these ($$) fuses, that states the "unbelievable voodoo improvements" that can be achieved that they say their getting. Let alone the directional ability they also say they have.

The gullible also have to ask themselves, why don't the top equipment manufactures use these $$ fuses if they're so good, and advertise they do for even better sound of their mega dollar audio equipment.

Then there's the technical proof, that can't be pointed to to say otherwise.    

Cheers George   
grannyringGeorge, to answer your question;

That answered nothing, as I asked for fuse manufacturers links, who state the claims made that their fuses will improve the sound of your audio. 

I’ve seen you post links before, why do you not do them now? Is it that your just posting hearsay and not the words of the fuse manufacturer themselves?

Cheers George  >$118
Not one word about it improving the sound, just a lot of voodoo on impedance at 10mHz, and leaving the sound of it up to the gullible buyer, by stating " the proof is in the listening."  >$50
This statement has grounds for legal action, as it's impossible, unless the fuse has a 1st 2nd 3rd or 4th order HF filter inside it. 
"Fuses significantly outperform all other high-end fuses on the market and are "guaranteed to deliver a noticeable increase in sound staging", resolution and air thanks to a lower noise floor and blacker backgrounds."  
Also grounds for legal action, I'm not a lawer but I think the first two words (All told) are the get out of jail free card.
" All told SR RED fuses significantly outperform every other high-end fuse on the market and are the only fuses guaranteed to deliver a significant increase in system performance or your money back. When compared to our award winning SR20 Quantum Fuses, SR RED Fuses sound more refined with smoother highs and more linear frequency extension from the deepest bass to the highest highs; no small feat given the remarkable performance of our original SR20 Quantum Fuses. ."

I've never come across such blatant B/S in all my years of audio, sorry yes I have,  "Shun Mook Mpingo Discs"

You guys should be ashamed of yourselves for preaching this rubbish, I hope your getting well compensated for it. 

Cheers George 
 Personally, I would always much prefer to see a manufacturer say something along the lines of "frankly, we don’t know why it works but it does," than to provide misleading and specious technical explanations.

Best regards,
-- Al
Yes that would be a more honest approach, and to get rid of face saving comments like " the proof is in the listening."

Cheers George
 reveal how it works in the patent.
Really!!! God forbid that might happen. 
Whatever they have, any patent office would laugh it off, unless they could find a corrupt one somewhere in the world.
Yes the patent office in Darkest Africa, 666 Voodoo Place, they've been known to take dirty money.

Cheers George 
 The use of the word  "Troll" 4 x in one post, must be a record, and it's directed at the more tech savvy members on the forums who only try to keep things honest and technically informative. 
Where it should be rather directed at the "snake oil voodoo'ist" of the forums who prey on the gullible that aren't technically minded.

Just like the way some power cords can sound?
I have never been so impacted by these power cords. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control.

Cheers George
Is it so hard??
All I ask is that you voodoo’ist name the members here who are highly technical, that back your findings of these $$$ mains fuses.
1: Being directional
2:That can magically escalate the sound quality of ones system.

Cheers George
I believe he was referring to the very few who keep beating the drum of skepticism in a negative way.
They are the ones that are technical ones, and not voodoo drum beaters.

Please name and show any posts of any of the known technical member’s here on these forums, that back the things being said about what these $$$ fuses are doing amazing things for the sound, similar to what the voodoo’ist are saying, and the directional application of them.

Cheers George
George, you really don't get the whole Appeal to Authority thing, do you?
I just don't get shysters, preaching this sort of voodoo, like I said please.

That you name the members here who are highly technical, that back your findings of these $$$ mains fuses.
1: Being directional 
2:That can magically escalate the sound quality of ones system. 

Cheers George
Sorry but there is no conversation on this topic, as your not prepared to.
That you name the members here who are highly technical, that back your findings of these $$$ mains fuses.
1: Being directional
2:That can magically escalate the sound quality of ones system.

Cheers George
moving up 1 step for ampere rating is an acceptable practice.

Moving up in amperage with mains fuses, is unsafe.
Doing this is a very unsafe practice.
It will very likely burn out more than just the fuse.
EG: regulators, rectifiers, or maybe even the transformer.
+ whatever caused the fuse to blow in the first place.
The worst is it could start a fire, and take out your house.

they add nothing to the discussion
That’s because it’s snake oil and as the above states playing with mains components like this is a very unsafe practice, and very dangerous.

Cheers George
In any event, given the lack of meaningful technical data on the SR fuses I don’t think anyone can provide an answer to this question with any kind of certainty
Given this when playing around with mains voltages, I’m saying it’s better to be safe than sorry.
I understand that you have "no qualms" personally yourself doing it as your capable of monitoring it. But surely your not giving the go ahead to other to do it as well, as it is mains safety issue were talking about.

Cheers George

Bait for the sake of safety? I hardly think so. As I said.
" As most here don't know if they're changing an ac mains fuse, dc rail fuse or speaker protection fuse. Maybe we've saved a future life, or at least a piece of equipment."

No one, unless they know what their doing with proper monitoring equipment, should up the amperage rating on a fuse.

Cheers George

See the mods have seen fit to delete the voodooists posts that were sticking it to Wolfy, for preaching the safety aspect that’s been grossly overlooked by the fusers, or maybe they are also starting to see the truth/fact behind this snake oil.

Cheers George
But surely your not giving the go ahead to other to do it as well, as it is mains safety issue were talking about.
Al, your your silence is deafening, are you getting splinters?

Cheers George
So my basic intention is to provide food for thought, rather than advocacy
So your not advocating, increasing the fuse amperage from the manufacturers specified value/s.

This is good Al, for the sake of safety.
As most here don't know if they're changing an ac mains fuse, dc rail fuse or speaker protection fuse. Maybe we've saved a future life, or at least a piece of equipment.

Cheers George 
You need to answer this question Al, for safety sake, as many here hang on your words.

Are you or are you not advocating that anyone else replace a manufacturers given fuse value with something higher, especially if they have no technical background, so they can monitor any problems like you can

Cheers George
andynotadam64 posts

Only 64 posts and 53 of them on SR fuses. And they all started just after the SR fuse thread started.
Good work contributing to audio in general on all these forums. Blind Freddy can see what’s going on here.
And good on you  oregonpapa  for backing him.
Double Cheers to you.
+1 Wolf,
And with other technically adept audio techs, who couldn’t even be bothered with even reading this thread, with the voodoo snake oil that’s presented here. That’s why it was never presented in the "Tech Talk" forum, as it would get shot down in flames.

I ask the question of any techs reading these fusers claims, to endorse what’s preached here to what these fuses will do for the sound quality, and to also endorse increasing the amperage rating of the fuse beyond the manufacturers specified rating, and to verify that changing direction of the fuse makes a difference.
Let’s just see how many will lay their cred on the line and answer.

Cheers George
People who play stupid games get stupid prizes.
And playing the fuse game, get the the biggest stupid prize, because not one Audio Tech with any cred will play that snake oil game, unless they have no cred and are in it for monitory gain.

Cheers George
The mods need to take a look at this.

Isn’t it funny that whenever legitimacy or safety issues are bought up about fuses, they get swamped by non off topic posts about the latest cd/music, fm radio, books etc etc to hide those issues from the gullible who just might purchase a fuse.

Take those post to the correct forum/s "MUSIC" ect and let the gullible fuse purchasers seen the "legitimacy or safety issues" to make up their own minds.

Cheers george
"I paid $120 for it so it must do something, and by god I should hear it or I made an expensive mistake."
+1 It’s called "expectation bias" Credit to Ralph (Atmasphere), for a great saying.

and to note that fuses have meaningful "direction" because they’re marked as such is sort of why this thread is so entertaining.
+1 on this too, I would have used a stronger word than "entertaining" though, "ludicrous" comes to mind.

Cheers George
No laws of electronics or physics have been broken
Hel-loo! They’re all broken with all the voodoo speak that’s going on here, especially with your regards to them being directional in AC mains.

Cheers George
uberwaltz105 posts03-08-2017 2:03pmI only have one question...
When did Georgelofi become Georgehifi?
hifi was my original registered name back in 2006 but for some reason got bugged so I had to change to lofi, thanks to Tammy at Audiogon saw the stupid comments I was receiving with that name so they saw fit to resurrect my registered old one for me as that’s what it is on every other audio forum I’m on also.

No sinister things going on, as I’m sure some are thinking.

Cheers George HIFI
Paul McGowan of PS Audio has articles on their site that states since the fuse is the bottleneck of the entire .
So are all the fine circuit board tracks that lead to and from the fuse and every thing else. why not rip them out too and turn them around the other way, and cryo them while your at it.

Cheers George
"The fuse element is made of zinc, copper, silver, aluminium, or alloys to provide stable and predictable characteristics. The fuse ideally would carry its rated current indefinitely, and melt quickly on a small excess. The element must not be damaged by minor harmless surges of current, and must not oxidise or change its behaviour after possibly years of service."

Re-read that last sentence:
A fuse can age with inrush currents ect, I believe the fuse mongers are praying on that.

Just change your old fuse for the same 10c new one, instead of paying >$100 for a voodoo fuse, that can be a danger if overrated .

Cheers George
"The fuse element is made of zinc, copper, silver, aluminium, or alloys to provide stable and predictable characteristics. The fuse ideally would carry its rated current indefinitely, and melt quickly on a small excess. The element must not be damaged by minor harmless surges of current, and must not oxidise or change its behaviour after possibly years of service."
Spelling correction just for you Geoff

Re-read that last sentence: 
A fuse can age with inrush currents ect, I believe the fuse mongers are prying on that.

Just change your old fuse for the same 10c new one, instead of paying >$100 for a voodoo fuse, that can be a danger if overrated .

Cheers George
Frankmlsstl656 posts03-14-2017 3:21amin the spirit of this thread, I thought I should warn people to NOT mark directionality on their fuses. The ink or sticker could confuse the electrons, drawing them off-center. The same is true of handling fuses with your bare fingers -- deposited oils from the skin could cause the same problems!jetter305 posts03-14-2017 3:49amIts also important to have the fuse installed by a virgin with no impure thoughts.

+1 To all.
"The fuse element must not be damaged by minor harmless surges of current, and must not oxidise or change its behaviour after possibly years of service."
On a serious note, what these guys are hearing is an old fuse changed for a new one as this fuse manufacturer stated, and you don’t have to spend $100, just get another new 10 cent one, and a good idea to clean the fuse clamps.

Cheers George

a top quality fuse.
A top quality >$100 fuse may sound better than an aged fuse as stated, but so will a new 10 cent fuse, as switch on surge currents carbonise, stretch and sag the filament and change it’s characteristics over time with an old fuse. So just install a new 10 cent fuse and save >$100.  
"The fuse element must not be damaged by minor harmless surges of current, and must not oxidise or change its behaviour after possibly years of service."

Cheers George
I replaced near new SR RED fuses for the SR Blacks and got a real significant further jump in resolution?

Shakes head, many times.
With all these improvements that fuses have bought, this system must sound better than anyone’s on the whole of Audiogon.

I still stick by this if anyone hears a difference:
" A top quality >$100 fuse may sound better than an aged fuse as stated, but so will a new 10 cent fuse, as switch on surge currents carbonise, stretch and sag the filament and change it’s characteristics over time with an old fuse. So just install a new 10 cent fuse and save >$100.
"The fuse element must not be damaged by minor harmless surges of current, and must not oxidise or change its behaviour after possibly years of service."

Cheers George
Georgelofi ... but both Bob and fleschler use SR Black fuses in their systems.
Really!!! good luck to them, would have got the same result with just a new 10c fuses.

This is what happens to that fine 10mm-20mm wire inside a fuse, from new left, to a quite a few cycles of turn on turn off over a year or so on the right.

Also Georgelofi, I have noticed that you haven’t posted any pictures of your system.
It’s documented all through Audiogon, go fish you’ll be surprised.

Cheers George

Fuses should not degrade, they should blow when required. 
Saying that, then a fuse that degrades is crap as well.
Yes they will degrade as they operate at or near their threshold,  just like incandescent light globs do, did you not see what happens to the same fuse over time of constant "switch on surges" It carbonises to a point where it is no longer pliable, sags, stiffens and blows

These boutique fuses seem to address the failings of cheap fuses by a more robust 
In many cases they are blowing for no reason at all, how is that more reliable?

Cheers George 
 ignoring repetitive pablum is advisable. 
Especially when it comes to fuse voodoo, all the advocators are doing is changing an old fuse out for new, this can be done with the same new 10c fuse, no need to spend $100+ for some voodoo one.

Just change out your old fuse for the same new, as they do deteriorate with repetitive switch on/off surges over time, just look what happens in the time lapse pics over a few months to the same fuse, when new on the left, few months old on the right after repetitive switch on's.

Cheers George
what do you have to lose?
Credibility and money, just change your tired old 10c fuse for the same new one, as they do deteriorate over time with on/off surges, as shown in the pic, even the boutique ones, and clean your fuse clamps.

"Fuse aging by switching loads

The fuse wire gets hot and expands when current flows. At high temperatures, oxidation may happen, which weakens the wire mechanically, and may be electrically, too. Switching on/off a load means the wire is bent each time."

Cheers George

And once again like clockwork, comes the topic shift to bury any negatives, once things are questioned about the voodoo fuses.

As almarg mentioned as well, just change your fuse for a well made new one "and clean the clamps".
I just used "10c" as a metaphor as an indication that you don’t need to pay >$100 for a voodoo fuse to get a change if your old fuse has deteriorated (pictured). A well made fuse in Australia is also $1-$2 as almarg stated.

Cheers George
Just making sure and will continue to show, to any new fuse recruits that the voodoo fuse proponents are trying to reel in, that they hear what both side of the fence feel for any fuse differences in sound.
Cheers George   
Not just the heart Charles as that can imply voodoo, but logic and all laws of electronics.

Cheers George
+1 Wolf,
All potential fusers need to remember that fuses deteriorate with age from switch on surges (as pictured), and they just need to be replaced with good quality $2 fuse of the same value, as Almarg linked to. 

Cheers George

I really would like to know if you have tried these fuses yourself
No and I wouldn’t pay >$100 for one, but I have sat in reluctantly at a demo of them and there was no discernible difference between it and a good quality new $2 fuse.

Cheers George