Suspension vs. non-suspension turntables???

Greetings all...

I am soon going to start the search for a new turntable. My trusty Roksan Xerxes is entering it's 15th year of operation and I think it's about time to look for something new. Having said that, I am looking for opinions on suspended tables, and non-suspended tables in the hopes of learning something about the advantages and disadvantages of each.

Surely both types have their merits, and I am trying to get a grip on which type might be most right for me. I am not necessarily looking for specific turntable recommendations at this point; let's face it we all know the usual suspects - Basis, VPI, Clearaudio, SME, Oracle, Teres, etc. I just am looking to find out if there is an advantage to either type of table.

Thanks in advance...

Showing 1 response by kurt_tank

Yes, I have owned some of your "usual suspects". Here are my impressions of the differences between the two.

I started with the (non-suspension) Basis 1400, with a RB300 arm and a Koetsu Black cartridge. It was a very good upper entry level table. Good dynamics and fairly low noise floor. I originally had a Benz Micro Glider II on this table and when I went to the Koetsu Black, and noticed a definite drop in the noise floor.

I then moved on to the (suspension) Basis 2001, with a RB900 arm and the same Koetsu Black cartridge.
Since the arms were similar (the big difference being the upgraded cabling on the RB 900), the biggest difference I noticed in the tables themselves was the dramatically lowered noise floor of the 2001. The background is pretty "black", and therefore, I appreciate the subleties of the music more. In addition, I feel the bass was more extended as well. The treble also seemed like it was more extended, but I think the lowered noise floor may have been accounted for some of that.

My two cents worth anyway.