Survey-What is your most used source?

Just curious, what is your most used source: CD, tuner, cassette, LP, dish...?

I purchased a tuner about six months ago, I hadn't used one in my system in well over 10 years. It is easily now my most used source.

Model: Fanfare FT-1A

Showing 2 responses by raytheprinter

nice thread! it depends on my mood or what else im doing.sometimes ill start out with tuner(WMNF)great station check it out online)while i pick out a CD,while CD is playing ill pick an album out,and then repeat the cycle,usually late at nite i listen to albums,during the day its usually my CDs or tuner i listen tv is on but the sound is off,im having a hard time justifing the money i spent on HT ,,,
Imac ,hooked up to my system,havent changed a cd in months,,,but I still get up to flip my LPs