Speakers that like corners

Other than Audio Note (which I am considering), what other speakers are there that function well tucked into corners? I have a 13x15 den and moving speakers out into the room doesn't work for us.

Are there other speakers designed with corner placement in mind?

Thanks for any insight you can pass on.
Von Scweikert Unifield Threes
Really do work well in a smaller room and tolerant of placement into corners. With the two piece design you can tweak to your heart's content.
Horn Shoppe Horns. They're made for the corners. 6 Moons likes them a lot. Very nice pricing on these as well.
OK, I just found the article I was looking for. It was Allison, not AR, the Model 3 reviewed in October/November 2004 issue of The Absolute Sound. Very positive review.