Speakers for Simaudio

I am searching for speakers (floorstander or bookshelf) for my Simaudio moon i-1; cd-1 combo. Room is 13x15 and Iam listening mostly rock and jazz. Please help!
Two things..IMO you should never try to match a speaker to upstream gear,always buy speakers you like and match amps etc with it..Secondly ,the speaker/room interaction is one of the most important factors and sometimes overlooked..Your system will only be as good as the room its in...
No doubt about it, speakers in room interaction is hugely important. I switched rooms with my speaker and it was darn right shocking the difference it made. I blew a lot of cash trying different electronics trying to make things really come alive. Look into to room treatments for sure.
OK... thanks for advice. I will try different positions of speakers in my room. Another thing I would like to know is interconnect and speaker cables for this Sim (i-1; cd-1) - Dyn(x32) system!?!? Cardas, OCOS, or some other brand (model)...?

Tarantula..I would call the Cable Co (http://www.thecableco.com/) and describe your system to them. They can advise you on a number of alternatives and loan you the cables to try out in your system. You can then decide what works best with your system.