Speaker Suggestions

I’m looking for recommendations for a pair of speakers and sub-woofer to use in my living room/dining room kitchen area. I was planning to spend about $600 - $800. Here are some of my considerations:

 They will be used with Marantz PM7000 amp, a MF A3 24 DAC and a Roku Soundbridge music player
 This is not my dedicated listing location; it is for music while I cook, background music when friends are over, that sort of thing. The quality needs to be respectable but doesn’t need to meet discerning listening standards. I realise that all of this is pretty subjective.
 Speakers should be attractive, discreet, clean lines and probably black.
 Used is fine

Any tips would be very welcome.

Showing 1 response by stevew1

Try Monitor Audio Radius line. They have great looking and sounding speakers in that line.