Speaker's magnetic field and pacemaker

I've never got a satisfactory answer to this question over the years. Perhaps there's someone here with experience or knowledge-

Pacemakers and strong magnetic fields don't mix. IE, no MRIs, magnetometers, etc. Do speakers with large magnets, typically in the woofer, present a practical problem for someone with either a pacemaker or an AICD?


Showing 3 responses by zavato

Tgrisham, what's your advise for AICD's

That's the one really of particular interest to me-

Me and Medtronic, like Peanut Butter and Jelly-
Thank you! A bad heart ain't fun. Last year I had major surgery, took 3 months to recover, and aside from bond movies at any hour of the day, my own form of self therapy, recovery and meditation was listening to music.

I had asked manufacturers and others but never really got any definitive answers.
I've spoken to the electro physiologist and the Medtronic rep. Neither really didn't know but offered the same general advise- keep a reasonable distance. The alarm also activates when the battery is nearing end of life. I heard it last year.

Funny thing- I'm a litigation attorney and not long ago I deposed a fellow who claimed that his need for an AICD was because of an accident (BS) and then he listed a laundry list of things he claimed he could not do because he had an AICD most of which are nonesense (he can't operate a tv remote, he can't drive an SUV are 2 of his claims). After giving perhaps a half hour of perjurious testimony, I took out my Medtronic ID card and asked if he had one like it. Well, once he and his counsel realized they were piling on a load of crap to someone with first hand knowledge, the cardiac claims vanished. His AICD was real, just not accident related.