SoundLab A-1 vs Martin Logan CLS IIz's

I love my tweaked Martin Logan CLS IIz's with 2 Vandersteen 2wq subs.. But I've come across a local pair of SoundLab A-1's for a decent price. Before I take the plunge, I wanted to get some feedback from people who have heard both, or have compared these speakers. What about the low end? Would I use the Vandersteens with the Sound Labs....or would they be redundant and no longer necessesary. My Logans are driven by Innersound 800W monblocks. Would these mate well with the Sound Labs. Truth be told, the WAF may impact on my final decision too...... because my rig is in our bedroom and the Sound Labs are absolute beasts.


Showing 1 response by yada

Hi Harry:

If you decide to do this change, let me know how it turns out for you sonically. Are you considering keep the better of the two speakers, or are you going to sell off your cls's first?

Have you finished your power upgrade yet?

Keep in touch, and thanks for your past help.

duke from wisconsin