Something Vintage

All self respecting audiophiles should have something Vintage in their main rig.

I have a pair of Acrisound Chicago transformers and various vintage caps in my Deja Vu 45 PP Monoblocks.

What's your something Vintage?

Reverence or superior materials and application?

I have to admit, I think vintage components are way cool and I can't definitively answer my own question regarding superiority. I will say that some Vintage components applied correctly adds a richness of tone that I find very appealing and natural.
A bottle of Dom Pérignon, vintage 1921 or 1928, adds much of the richness you mentioned to my listening(not very often though).
Main system: 1977 Harman-Kardon Citation 18 tuner(modified)

Bedroom: 1959 Pilot 402 receiver(refurbed/modified)
power cord made with NOS Western Electric wire
1986 Rauna Tyr II monitors
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Sansui TU-919 tuner, which I prefer over my previous megabuck Magnum Dynalab MD-108 tuner. Also have a nice collection of 1960's vintage NOS tubes from Telefunken, Amperex & Sylvania.