So you've landed the white whale. What next?

Hunting tubes this weekend and talked to a woman whose dad built and repaired hifi equipment. She says she has gear that's been locked away for 50 years.

I show up and see a table covered with old gear adorned with 15 or so tubes, and it was almost comical. The husband remarked on the Genelex Gold Lion KT-88s "they look burnt out to me. look at those spots in the sides." Those would have been the flashing on the two side getters. Then I carefully pulled the Mullard 5AR4/GZ34 rectifier branded Amperex Bugle Boy with. Blackburn codes. Next was a Tung Sol 6v6 GTA, then what appeared to be an RCA black plate 6L6.

So here's the thing. I scored huge. Should probably never hunt tubes again lest I incur the wrath of the gods. Question is, since I don't own a tube tester, do I dare pop these tubes into my gear to see how they work? Related question-- I get confused as to what a tube tester really measures. A lot of people I respect say a tube tester tells you almost nothing, but what's a good way to ensure tubes of unknown provenance are safe to use? I'm sure someone will suggest I send the tubes to him for testing and safe keeping. Perhaps there's another way?

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