small krell or levinson for dynaudio c3.4s??

i am currently driving a pair of dynaudio c3.4s with the krell 2250, and i really honestly love this sound, but i am considering the levinson 431 as an alternative, does anyone have any experience, opinions on this?

the dyn's are pretty smooth, no harshness at all, so a good combo with the krell; but i worry that the 431 is too round for them, and perhaps lacking some low end punch that the 3.4s might need, that the krell definitely provides.

any thoughts from people with these speakers or these amps, or better yet one of the combos?


Showing 1 response by chuck


You have many options in that range. If you like the Krell sound them you should stay within their line. Most Levinson amps sound more laid back and a bit warmer than krell amps. Dpack mentioned the Audio Research amps. I feel you would prefer the Audio Research over the ML amps.

As always YMMV and personal preference rules


P.S. I Own Levinson Amps so no flames please.