Simple all-in-one remote for HT?

I searched the archives, nothing there that helps. I have a HT my kids (my kids are 8, 10, 12) use extensively; NAD receiver, Sony TV, Toshiba DVD, RCA Direct TV. Four remotes, what a pain. I figured the solution was obvious, buy a Marantz RC2000 MkII universal and we'd only have to use the one remote. What a mistake, it took hours and hours to program and my kids never got the hang of it. The damned remote was big and heavy too. Sold it off this week for $100. I feel like a real "dumb ass"

So I've been trying to figure out what remote would be EASY to set up, and easier to use? A remote that was truly intuitive and you can hold in your hand easily. A remote designed with dumb asses in mind. I saw a remote in the Sony store (looked a lot like a Palm Pilot), at first glance it looked okay but I didn't spend any time playing with it. I'm looking to spend $150 max on a used remote, any ideas?

Showing 1 response by swampwalker

The Home Theater Master is pretty good. Also try posting on They've got all the bases covered.