s-s integrateds just on the warm side of neutral

I'd be curious to hear which makes and models members would put in this category: quality solid-state integrateds that are just a little more "forgiving" and a little less "relentless" or "ruthless" than the norm. I'm not talking seriously euphonic, just a little on the warmer side of the neutral line.

I'm thinking pieces like the Ayre AX-7e, Plinius 9200 (?).

What others?

Showing 2 responses by cellorover

Let me also add trhe Modwright to the list. And to clarify, I am talking 1 or 2 clicks off neutral to warm.
Resolution S50. Closer to neutral but more warm than analytic. Actually I would classify it as accurate and musical. Norma is there too, but with more power, bass control, and openness.