Revox Straight Line Turntables

Does anyone know whether the Revox H-9, B-297, etc. have a built in phone preamp and if so, whether and how it can be disconnected?


Showing 1 response by itsjustme

AS Eric said, its very unlikely. Certainly the flagship product that i recall from the period did not.  I'm nto even sure why you ask.  But some model might have.

In any event, it realyl doesn't matter.  Bypassing an internal Phono stage is pretty simple. 4 wires MUST come out of the cartridge. run them wherever you like.


The linear tracking turntable was an interesting effort to eliminate tracking angle distortion. Note that in a normal arm, the angle is correct in only two places mathematically.  LT "fixes" this, but at the cost of a very complex anti-skate problem: "how do you keep equal tracking force on each side of the groove wall?"  As i recall, the answer was "not very well".

Quite a nicely made novelty anyway