Revel Performa F228 Be speaker... thoughts?

I am considering upgrading my main stereo speakers from my Epos M22’s, and I have been recommended Revel F228 Be’s. Reading about the brand, I am learning Revel is the high end speaker brand of Harman Industries. This retail for about $10,000 a pair but can be gotten at a nice discount. I have read reviews and they are described as great treble, smooth midrange, full range punchy bass, pretty much every $10,000 speaker should have that! They were also named The Absolute Sound speaker of the year in 2019. I am looking to spend about $5 to 6 thousand, roughly for the new speakers.

It would be very helpful if those who have heard these Revel’s would compare them against some of the well discussed and well respected speakers like Harbeths, Vandersteens, Focals, Dynaudios, Devores, ProAcs, Raidhos, Magicos that have similar models at this price. I am a listener of vocals, some pop (more old than new), soul, country, blues, jazz. Not hard rock, punk, electronica or rap. In the past I have been quite impressed by large Harbeths and Vandersteen 3’s in friend's homes, these have a full, strong vocals and bass, but not too sharp a sound in the highs. For domestic purposes, I need to stick to a speaker that fits our home decor, no giant panels or anything too outlandish looking for a multi purpose living area.

Showing 1 response by soix

For your tastes it sounds like Harbeth would be a very good choice.  Others from your list that fit well with your requirements would be DeVore, ProAc, Dynaudio, with Spendor and Sonus Faber as other potential possibilities.  If I’m you I’d tend to stay away from metal tweeters that, depending on what electronics you’re using, can exhibit characteristics that might not appeal to you — this would include the Revels that I wouldn’t tend to recommend for that reason.  Hope this helps, and best of luck.