Record Cleaning Machines

All opinions welcome: religion, politics, ID...

In particular, I'd like to hear opinions about:

Nitty Gritty Mini-Pro

Keith Monks RCM

VPI 17



Showing 1 response by dopogue

As a satisfied Nitty Gritty user since the early l980s, I've never understood the bit about the VPI providing a "stable platform." Do you guys bear down so hard while scrubbing that you're in danger of breaking the record? The plain old manual Nitty Gritty 1 (or its clone from Audio Advisor) enables you to scrub away too, without the encumbrances and closed-in nature of the VPI, and then draws the record crud DOWN rather than depositing stuff on the platform. I know, different strokes and YMMV. Good luck, whatever you decide, Dave.