Quicksilver 8417 Tube Preferences

Hi All,

Obviously only one choice for the power tubes, but what about the small tubes? I have a variety of 12AU7s and 5814s, but I haven't tried any 12BH7s. In the other position, I've mostly used GE 5751s, but I have a few different brands of 12AX7s I've also popped in there. I haven't found any particularly startling combinations.


Showing 1 response by kt_88


I'm not familiar with your amps, but I have tried tons of 12bh7's in amps, and have found sonic differences. You can buy them fairly cheap at ebay, if you want to try many different brands. I have seen some sellers selling a few brands at once. And if you don't need them in matched pairs, you can gobble up lots of tubes cheap! If you have a brand in mind let me know, I can tell you what sonic characteristics the brand had in my experiments.