Purist Audio - Maximus Interconnects & Jumpers

Hi, I have just acquired a pair of Purist Audio Maximus interconnect cables and a set of Purist Audio Jumpers. As there is no sign indicating the direction of signal flow, it would be highly appreciated if you can help me to set them up in the right way. Thanks.
If your Maximus cable is Rev A or Rev B it should have arrows pointing in the direction of signal flow. If it's the oldest version it might have a small star at the source end.

In any case it would be on the band surrounding the cable as mentioned in my first post.

Purist will inspect it for you at no charge. It might be possible to upgrade the fill with Ferox which is a newer technology.
Again, thank you so very much for your help, Albert. I will contact Purist Audio Design soon.
Hi AlbertPorter,

Please help which the defferent between Old 25th Anniversary and the NEW Luminist 25th Anniversary the Old made with Silver material? and the NEW made with Gold material?
which the Better for Music Lover

Thanks for All
Hi Albertporter

Which the Best BUY between OLD and the NEW 25th Anniversary ?
Made with Silver and Gold material ? Which Defferent Musicality
Presentation ?