Preamp upgrade

I have an opportunity to buy a threshold FET two series two. I currently have a Forte F44 pre. In your opinions would the upgrade be significant?
Well I upgraded to the threshold. Exceeded my expectations. The forte sounded good but the threshold sounds better. More depth to the music. Sounds very natural. Worth $700.00 for sure.
Sorry, I had an FET 10 and don't even remember the FET2, if its over 30 years I wouldn't change.
I can't comment on the Forte having never owned one. But I did
own the Fet two(over thirty years ago)and thought it was very
good until I replaced it with a Classe preamp. Like Mofi says
it's a lateral move! Now if you want to do a nice upgrade you
should get yourself a nice tube preamp. Check out the Quick
Silver line stage at $995 new. I have been using that preamp
for the last five years and it is better than any solid state
preamp I have owned.
Oldears...OP stated a Fet TWO series 2, not a Fet 10E. The Fet 10E is SUPERB. If it was a Fet 10E, it would be no contest.

The Forte 44 versus the Fet Two, IMHO is a lateral move. "Maybe" a slight increase, but not a game changer.
Currently using an emotiva erc1 CD player through a music hall 25.3 DAC to the Forte F44 pre. The power map is a threshold model S 200. The speakers are MA RX8's. To me it sounds good but always looking for more.
Depends on your source & amp. The Threshold FET 10E is truly balanced and has a separate PS, the Forte is the lesser line of electronics and of course is not as good.