Parasound A51 or Mcintosh MC205?

I have 2 Adcom's 5802 & 5503 that are connected to a Klipsch Reference II system. I'm looking to replace the Adcoms and go to a 5 channel amp. The Parasound and the Mac are on my list. I also have a B&K reference 50 that I also plan to replace with a new processor (maybe Marantz). Any thoughts on the Amps?

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I haven't hear the Parasound, but own a MC205 and have owned a MC7106 and a MC7205. The only encouragement I can offer on the McIntosh side is that the MC205 with the newer amp design employed by McIntosh, is that it is a vast improvement over the previous two amps I have owned for multi channel. I have been using a dedicated 2 Channel
amp for the front end and just use 3 channels of the MC205 for the ctr and rr's. I have used it for the front end and was pleased although the MC402 is a much mmuch better amp for music.
I was looking at the MX121 myself. But the salesman told me it was based on a Denon Pre and that stopped me. I have Statement D2v that I would sell to do so. But when McIntosh sold to the same company that owns Audio Research and Sonus Faber I thought that they will develope all new equipment thst will be a full McIntosh design. So I think I will do the 3D upgrade and keep the Anthem for a few more years.
But in reality I think Marantz offers a lot of component for the money and msy be the better investment, especially on a peice that becomes outdated every year or so.