Old VPI Scout: Cartridge Help

Ok purchased Old Scout with an Orfoton Blue. I see why people like this cart. It's definitely not for me in my system. Way to forward and bright.

I need something alot warmer and laid back. Considering Dynavector 10x5 but not sure it will be warmer. I would like more of a tube sounding/lush sounding midrange. Hoping to find a nice soundstage.

The blue is just missing the mark for me. Any help would be appreciated. Please keep it under 450.

Showing 1 response by mofimadness

Try lowering your VTA a little bit. I bought an Ortofon Red for shits and giggles to mess around with and it's an amazing cart. Not forward or bright, in my system anyway.

Also, it did take about 50-60 hours to settle in.