Ohm Walsh F Hope of Resurrection

Now I have F's with rotten surrounds, but rest look nice, perfect even. Cones, spiders look great. 

One surround is done, decimated.  Other is intact, perhaps replacement as is not identical. 

Perhaps I try replacing surround? 
Any new and improved surround options? Willing to replace/ get repaired more, if necessary.  

Cursory search doesn't reveal any drop in replacement.  Or, am I wrong? I see the Ohm return/upgrade to newer version options. 

Experienced and insider opinions sought. I'm not cheap, and I'll spend the money to obtain the exceptional if needed. So, what are the likely and less likely options   TIA
What is that one "clone", HHR? Need to check...  i heard it at a show years ago. 

Showing 7 responses by asvjerry

Douglas....as one who diy’s Walsh drivers (although not in the scale of an F)....Dale @ HHR.....

When an old F gives up, you ought to as well. The ’gook’ inside the cone will destroy the cone if you try to remove it. The surround would have to hand-made and you’ll go nutz maintaining alignment.

Take you dilemma to Dale.
His look like yours....just Better.
Price is reasonable, all things considered.
I can’t, so I roll my own.

Good luck, and cheer up. Consider it a "cross-grade" that’s actually an ’Up’. ;)
Douglas, pardon my mistake.  I've read of more botched repairs than successful ones when it regarded vintage Ohms.  And congrats on the repair...

Now I'll slink off and dine on some vintage worms, and reconsider offering an opinion on a subject that I have some experience with, albeit on my mere enthusiast level.

+1, maps....
Thanks for forgiveness, Doug.  And for giving me a kudo for my diy activities, as that nod helps push me forward. 

Having 3 working pairs that have similar characteristics, even given their different sizes, is a huge push to carry on, despite any discouraging words, anyway.  

Being a partner with spouse owning a growing business has tended to absorb much of the free time to spend on it is depressing in its' way, but it does allow for buying 2 mil titanium and aluminum for 'rolling a cone'....

That, in itself, is a Good Trick.  I finally came up with a means to do that in a predictable fashion...

I've avoided on purpose to 'do' a 3 segment F-style cone, and have taken a different tack at it.  As I 'write', I'm listening to Spotify with a 'bookshelf' version that, as F. Zappa once noted, makes 'noises agreeable to the ear'.

My larger 'mains' in the next room 'do better'. ;)

Perhaps, one fine day in the near future, I'll loan you a pair for critique'.

I'd like to have a serious listener do a 'serious listen' to them.
I can only go so far with a calibrated mic and various programs.
Who better than a reviewer? *Ingratiating Smile* ;)

Meanwhile, I'm wondering How I can convince spouse that the 1.2K$ that appeared in our checking account (Thanks, Feds!) could be applied towards a 3D printer that can 'print' 2 mil carbon fiber cones instead of an automated catbox....

"It's too big, and looks like a weird front-load washing machine with slumped shoulders..." don't fly with her.
That...and the cats prefer my lap to hers.
The 'mother duck, being followed by the ducklings' doesn't fly either...*L*

Enjoy your revived F's (I'm jealous)......and Thanks again, J

*S*  Thanks, @mapman .... At this time, I'd love to Loan you a pair just to have an omni fan have a critical listening session.  'Ell, I'd like to have a 'next version' pair for my own ears.  I've got most of the items amassed to do so, it's the assembly routine that's pending....

First thing I do is to break them in as the 'manufacturer', since everything about them is basically experimental. The next step is to try to blow them up, since the 'warranty-er' is Me.

That in itself is a response to the old comment on the original Fs'; "Sound Great @ 200 watts, blow @ 201...."  I'm OK with doing that myself...it'd be embarrassing to have it happen in your hands.

One personal goal is to enter a pair with a matching sub into the unlimited category @  the MWAF, hopefully this year (Covid conditions allowing such).  Apparently, no diy omni has even been entered according to them.  Good, bad, or indifferent, it'd be a "Now for something entirely different" experience for the judges and the crowd.

I've considered a raincoat as apparel for the tomato and egg response, since I'd be there and a target....*L*

".....selling a pair?"  At this stage, I'd sign and date them.  'Functional Art', as any production goal is a pipe dream....and we can debate what's in that pipe.... ;)  One consideration is to fuse the crossover to keep enthusiasm from frying the works, as that's where I've blown any up.

....but Thank You for the comments.  What you'd get would be light years from whatever you saw....;)

Stay warm, dry, & healthy...

I’d added an additional 'rant ’n rave' to the above, but luckily for y’all I hit the wrong key at the right time and kept your screen from melting like a Dali pocket watch....

You’re welcome.

+1....oh, 'ell....+10 to the tenth power, @douglas_schroeder ....

(...the world is full of surprises, no? *G*;)....)

"Submitted for your consideration..." as R. Serling used to intone....)

Any vintage speaker that has undergone repair will perform differently than the original when it was new.  That variance will vary from slight to severe, driven by the use of contemporary materials, adhesives, and techniques of restoration.  Unless 'museum level'  restoration protocols are applied, Anything (paintings, sculpture, or speakers) will vary from the original to some degree.

A restored painting, if subjected to minute inspection, will exhibit the restoration.  To expect a speaker to perform Exactly like an new original is fallacy....Unless, of course, you've sent your 'contemporary' Ohms or MBLs in....that's Different.  Having a 'mint', in the box original would be the only fair comparison/contrast test....A~A+/-...*G*

If what you've done or had done pleases one's ears, call it a 'win' and move on.  

There is (imho) the psychoacoustic factor involved....

I've noted when I've been elsewhere for a period of time (on an out-of-town installation for a month as an example), exposed to anything but my own speakers, that they will sound 'different' for awhile....
An hour or two, perhaps a day.....until mind & ears 'snap back' into their 'ruts'.  Visiting an audio convention might prove to be an extreme contrast, depending upon the individual.

I suspect that this scenario might be the root of 'buyers' remorse' occasionally....but, just an observation on my part....your experience likely varies...
@mickeyb....I'm not a bank, either....which is why I DIY....

I heard and liked the original F's.....and my wallet froze shut, even back then.
Still like Lotus cars after all these decades....same problem.
The only Porsches' I like are the F1 'cars'.
Even more impractical.....;)