NRG Control PA1 remote control

I lost my NRG PA1 remote control for this preamp. As the company no longer exist, I will need some help with knowing the codes so I could program it into a Logitech.

Or someone could show me the ropes on how to find out the codes?

Otherwise, I would greatly appreciate, however unlikely, for some kind soul to lend me his NRG PA1 remote control so I could teach the Logitech.

Thanks in advance.

I do have a PA-1 and the remote. Email me if you are still interested in a helping hand.

[email protected]
Otherwise, I would greatly appreciate, however unlikely, for some kind soul to lend me his NRG PA1 remote control so I could teach the Logitech.
Hey there,

it may be even more unlikely to be able to revive this 6 years old discussion, but I'll try to take my chance :-)

Since this weekend, I am also an owner of this incredible NRG PA-1 preamp (serial # 013). What a machine! It's so packed with relays, I haven't even started to count all those that are buried inside!

The downside is that the remote board simply seems to be missing. There are some dead wires that have more or less professionally been put aside. But worst of all, the rec out misses one channel regardless the selected source, and if rec out and the input selector are put on the same source, that channel is also missing at the regular output.

To find the cause and to repair this amp, a service manual or at least the schematics are certainly indispensable. Now that at least within this discussion we are three people who own or know about this preamp, does someone of you happen to have those documents or know where I could possibly find them?

Thanks for any help and hints!Thomas