Not happy with Krell SACD

I have listened to about 25 cd's and a limited amount of SACD's and I am not satisfied with the sound of the Krell SACD Standard. For whatever reason it is far too bright for my ears. It is actually fatiguing at times and I do not want to listen for more than a few minutes. Has anyone found this to be true or have another opinion? Do you have any suggestions?
Dr John
I have one and I use a orpheus sennheiser with a dac in, the Krell is less open but more natural, I guess that he must to be open in a few hours of play time. But I love this analytic sound, a little cold but real.
Krell seems to have a certain brightness to it. I agree with one person who said to wait until it is broken in to judge. I would also suggest you express the problem to your dealer and see if they will let try one that is broken in. Typically I noticed a more muddy sound in unbroken in equipment but I am no expert on that topic.
SoGood 51 - Dave, thanks, I will go there and take a look.
Drubin - Cary 308
Krelldog - I agree it could be made a bit better but sound quality is paramount here.
Theo - Sunfire TGIII, Sunfire Cinema Grand Sig, PSB Stratus Gold
Tony007 - Thanks, I will take a look
Raquel - I do not see how it can make a huge difference but I will try to give it time.
J1a - My pre-pro does not have balanced input, so I used an adapter since I did not have much choice.
Being the owner of an SCD-1,I can tell you that break-in is very real. It was my first decent player so I liked the sound right out of the box. At about 200 hrs it started to really open up, but it did'nt get great until about 400 hrs or so. I could'nt believe the day to day differences I was hearing. So give it a little time and enjoy. Gary.
I gather that "good things come to those who wait"
so I will hold off on switching the Krell for the Tri-vista
as I was planning to do , or even aother from Cary - 306/200. Thanks,
Dr John