Noisier Outer Edges?

This might be an obvious question, but why are most, if not all of my records are somewhat noisier on the outer edges than on the inside? Is this my setup? I have a Music Hall 5.1. I thought it might be all the finger prints from handling the records, but this is true for new records also, and I am very careful when it comes to handling records.


Showing 1 response by nedmast

I've alwasy assumed this is because the outer edge is always exposed, since most people put the record sleeve in to the cover with the open end lined up with the open end of the cover. More exposure, more dust and dirt. Once cleaned, I always slide the record and sleeve into the cover with the open end up, so that there is no longer any exposure of the record when stored. This is less convenient, since you must remove both the record and sleeve from the cover in order to play it, but it's worth the added effort.