Noise from Xfinity cable box

I just installed an Xfinity X1 cable box in my rack with my audio and video gear and it is the noisiest piece I have ever had in my system. I think it is a fan, but it runs constantly, even with the power switched off (standby mode?). I had been using a simple little digital converter from Comcast in the system that worked fine for HD video and audio, and was dead quite.  I am thinking of going back to it and ditching the DVR and voice capabilities.  Anybody else have this problem with new X1 cable boxes?
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Thanks for both of those ideas. I am just about done with a complete re-cabling of my main system and it is sounding really good, and very quiet.  Dropping this noise maker in is a complete drag.
Thanks slbenz, I went back to Xfinity, complained and got a different (earlier?) version of the X1 box which is much quieter.  Now I can only hear the fan when I am within a few feet of the gear.