No discussion about the Synergistic Pink fuse?

I can't believe my eyes.

The pink fuse is not a joke either. Although it sounds like one after Quantum, Black, Blue, Orange, Purple, Master... did I miss something?


People grow tired of buying the latest and greatest fuse only to learn months later of yet another. I won’t take anything away from a product that improves results, but one grows tired of the continual product churn. I got off the buss at the Orange stop.

Many times, wonder if there is even a reason to get on the bus. It seems that no matter what you buy, even if it's the greatest thing since sliced bread, someone has to come along and tell you that you're sorely lacking because it will never sound good. Not until you start replacing cords/wires, smearing magic lotions, rolling tubes and fuses, installing high price isolators, ad infinitum to keep lifting endless veils between you and nirvana.