New Version Jolida JD502P issues.

Anybody else have one of these? Why does mine (after some break-in) sound so good? What's wrong with me? Why doesn't everybody own one of these? These are nagging questions for which I have no me...besides, there aren't enough recent posts about these for my perusal needs.

Showing 1 response by rwinner

I purchased a JD502B several years ago. I got them for a great discount, just as they were being discontinued in favor of the JD502RC's, which added a remote control. I had been enjoying a vintage Marantz 2325 receiver prior to that, and prior to _that_ a Philips receiver I bought off Cambridge SoundWorks for a couple of hundred bucks in the nineties.

Just as the Marantz made the Philips unlistenable, the Jolida in one fell swoop dragged me into the rarified air of so-called "high end audio."

Now, I don't doubt that a more expensive amp would sound even better, but, for the life of me, I am content. That amp is quite simply amazing, and a terrific bargain.