New To Vinyl... Seeking Recomendations

good day,

i am brand new to vinyl, having just received my first turntable - Original Oracle Delphi, Papier Triplanar tonearm, Talisman Virtuoso cartridge.

I've done a considerable amount of reading on how best to care for records and think i have a handle on that, and now was hoping to get a few recommendations on recordings that REALLY show off the virtues of viyl.

After some browsing around the 'best of' threads here, there seems to be some often recommended albums, such as:

Louis Armstromg St. James Infirmary, Classic Records, 45 rpm
Jazz At The Pawnshop (i have this cd and LOVE it, so am looking forward to hearing it on vinyl)
Allison Krauss and Union Station Live (again, another of my favorite CDs)

Any other suggestions would be appreciated... the goal is to queue up a few great records and be able to demonstrate to my wife why all this extra gear is now finding a home in our living room!

many thanks,

Showing 1 response by kurt_tank

My advice would be to just pick your favorite music, and enjoy that. You'll know what you appreciate more than we ever could.

Acoustic music seems to sound really good on vinyl, (but then again, acoustic music in general tends to sound great on high end systems, no matter the format).
But then again, if your system is set-up to sound best for Rock music, then our suggesting Jazz, Classicial or the always popular Polka music, may not sound as good on your system, as the music that you know and already love.)

My two cents worth anyway.

Enjoy the new turntable, and remember:

Cleanliness is next to godliness, because clean vinyl and a clean stylus makes for heavenly sounding music!