New to tuner for 91.7FM UW Madison WI

I mostly grab my new music from following the record labels I like and bands for their new releases in order to download or buy, but there are very few radio stations that caught my musical tastes so far which is 91.7FM.

Now questions to the crowd:

If there anyone listening to this radio station in Madison WI?
What equipment do you use to listen to it? What is the benefit of analogue or digital tuner over the listening through the live internet stream?

Please also share experiences if you had a chance to compare both internet stream vs. tuner on any other radio station you love.

Showing 2 responses by elevick

OK, I thought this would be a great new find...NOT.
The first song I just listened to sounded like an acordian being used for a rave.

Next I got a mix of really depressing hillbilly music? harmonica and all.

Now I've got really harsh electronic junk that will get me kicked out of the office.

What am I missing.

Back to KJazz 88.1
Marakanetz, my office system is actually fairly absurd. If you look at my system, I downsized by using a receiver but everyone stops by my office to check out 5 foot tall 5" wide computer speakers:-).

I'm glad to find out that there is a better stream quality. I'll try it. I do know that most stations have abandoned quality and transmit as much as possible in compressed formats. What a waste to save a little bandwidth.