New Rega Planer 8 (P8) Turntable - Apheta 2 Cartridge Combo - Thoughts

Any Thought's on the "New" Rega Planer 8 (P8) Turntable - Apheta 2 Cartridge Combo

Any Rega owners / dealers / folks familiar with the table and/or brand have any thoughts / advise about this table / brand / combo? 

I am trying vinyl again... Tried it before without much luck. Table / cart / phono set up was too finicky for me and I wasn't able to get decent sound. I sold it all and am now giving it another try.

I also chose a Sutherland Duo phonostage to match with it.

Would love thoughts, advise, ideas or feedback. I have never owned a Rega product before. Going to set it up tonight but still waiting for my phonostage to be mailed to me. Would love some feedback. 


System info

Rega P8 Turntable / Apheta 2 Cart
Sutherland Duo Phonostage
Simaudio Moon Evolution P-8 Linestage
Pass Labs X250.8 Amp
Magico S5 Speakers (MK II's on order)

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
@fsmithjack Frank,
Read the article I posted earlier in the thread. There is your recommendation for record cleaning machine, the chemicals to use with it and links as to where to get them. Yes, you can get the whole deal like I did for about $500. This will far outperform the Nitty Gritty, Okki Nokki, the VPI 16.5(I used to own one and used it for years before discovering ultrasonic cleaning). This approach will get you 95% of the performance of the Kirmuss, the Audio Desk or the other four-figure machines. You save because you have to put a bit more effort into the cleaning cooking a meal from scratch vs. popping restaurant takeout into the microwave and pushing a button. Cheers,
Post removed 
If you look at my virtual system you will see a bunch of pictures of a Brand New VPI Prime and a VPI Aries 3D Special Edition (#47 of 100). Dumped them both and moved on.

That said it wasn’t either of the tables fault. I had a real esoteric Haniwa cart that needed a 0.8 ohm setting for phono and that caused cable and phonostage issues so I dumped it.

The Aries 3D I had 2 bad carts in a row so I dumped that one also. I heard a Rega P6 w/Apheta 1 and thought it was great and better than the VPI’s. We all like different things I guess.

Also, I wanted a Herron VTPH-2a phono but there are none used and a decent wait for a new one. I got an amazing deal in my set up.

I bought my Sutherland Duo, 2 Audience Au24se 1.0M AC cables (it takes 2 ac cables) and Audioquest Fire RCA 1.0M Interconnect, Audioquest Niagara 1000 Conditioner and matching Audioquest Tornado 1.0M AC cable all for right around the price of a new Herron VTPH-2a .

The Audioquest Fire all by itself is a $3,000 cable.

Not sure I will like the AQ 1000 but we shall see. Might just use if for my phonostage. Plugging into the wall destroys every conditioner on the planet, Trust me when I tell you I did well with this set up. The loss or gain in audio is not in the sale its in the buy. That said I wanted a Rega. If I like it I will get the better Rega cart and then upgrade to the new P10 when it comes out. I like Rega, Granted I have never owned one before so we shall see. Maybe I won’t like it but I hope I do.

My buddy owns the Herron VTPH-2a and he said it is fantastic. It is a great preamp but he also said it is overrated. He loves it but he has others he loves also but he said all the fan boys of this pre is over the top.

It is a really good phono but nothing is that good. His words. I am sure I will try one at some point. I have seen them around $2200 to $2600 used so if I like my Rega I will take a stab at a used one if one pops up.

I mean if you buy one of these used I am sure you will get all your money back so its free to try because they are so well liked. I will def grab one down to road to see what everyone loves so much about it.

I gave up on tube line stages long ago but he said this phono is nothing like those tube lines so i would like to try one. I hate the bobble head VPI arm but to be fair they did fix that with their new double mod.
Congratulations on your RP8/Apheta 2 purchase.  I own the RP10 with the Apheta 2 and like it.  Originally, I purchased the RP6 with the Exact 2 cartridge and did not like that at all.  Ultimately, I bought a NOS Apheta for the RP6 and it sounds much better.

The Rega is easy to set up; just make sure the surface is level.  You just need a small level (left to right and then front to back).  The Rega has 3 adjustable feet that willl allow you to get the level correct.

While I like the Apheta 2, it is very particular when it comes to how much weight goes from the stylus to the record, and you can't rely on Rega's guide on the tonearm.  I bought an inexpensive stylus pressure gauge (scale), and run the Apheta2 right at 1.75 grams.  It sound very nice there.  Too much or too little weight will make the cartridge sound terrible, though.

I found a ClearAudio Smart Matrix Pro record cleaning machine for $750 on Audiogon, and have been very happy with that purchase.  I think it's among the best of the non cavitation record cleaning machines.  It lists for $1,600, but I have seen them generally under $1,000 on Audiogon.  So, I would increase your planned spending to get the ClearAudio.

When you install the Rega, make sure you put the power supply away from the table itself.  I run mine on the next lower shelf, about 2 feet from the table and it works fine.

During these dry winter months, be really careful for static electricity with the Rega-- make sure you mute your preamp before you mess with the tonearm.  I got a big blue spark on my old unit before figuring that out.

Lots of people don't like Rega's and I can't figure out why.  Mike Fremer from Sterophile gives the Rp8 or Rp10 an A or A- rating and says it does a good job on classical music, but less so on rock.  I tend to agree with that assessment, but I listen to classical on my turntable and rock on the CD player anyway.

Hope this is helpful.


Hey Spencer,
I read your awesome article. Amazing stuff really. When my collection grows and I finally crack this vinyl nut I am going to give this a try.
Thank you