New Music Direct catalog...

...has a really nice color picture of a very young Joni Mitchell on the front. I love these catalogs. I have framed every cover for the past 10 years or so.

Thanks Music Direct!!!

Showing 5 responses by mofimadness

Actually after doing some research, the picture was taken in 1970 at the house she shared with Graham Nash and David Crosby in Laurel Canyon. She was born in 1943, so she’s 27 in the picture. Looks like she’s around 17. Very pretty indeed, but not as young as I thought.

This is the set of pictures it was taken from:
I just watched "Echo In The Canyon" also. EXCELLENT documentary. Agree that a few people were missing. I read that it was supposed to be 1964-1967 time-frame.

What a wild and crazy and music filled time in the Canyon that must have been. I have a friend that lived there for a short while in the early 1970’s and he said at night you sit outside and hear the music wafting through the Canyon. How cool would that have been to maybe hear the beginnings of some of the best music ever written, (IMHO).
The picture used on the cover of the Music Direct catalog is the first one, (top left corner) in the link I posted.  It's beautiful, full color, nice thick paper, just a wonderful image.

Just framed mine and it's on the wall with all the others.