Most "Musical" sounding speaker cable under $1000

I am probably going to get knocked around for the use of that mysterious word "MUSICAL" in this tread. However would like some input from members who have tried a lot of speaker cables: and would like to know what is most musical sounding speaker cable you have ever owned or presently own under $800. Multiple choices is also good.

FOR ME, the term "musical means" listenable, and holding the listener's attention, and satisfying. Also, it means very smooth without sounding warm or fuzzy. Lastly, it means....a unique presentation of the musical event never heard or experienced before.

Or,... is it also: more detail?? more musical cues that convey the music and its acoustic space? or a richer palette of tonal color and harmonics??? I am sure it is heard and defined differently by everyone

Showing 1 response by rlwainwright

While it is true that spending big bux on speaker cables is not wise, IMHO, there are many great cables at the $250 and under range that work quite well...

-RW- I use Goertz MI-2 Pythons from my Butler TDB-5150 into my Gallo Ref. 3.1s...