Modding the Zu Omen MKII

Hi all

I am a bit courious as to if anyone else went down the DIY mod path with their Omens?

What are your experiences?

On my mod list (so far)
- New Double xover capacitators
- Adding a parallell resistor to the tweeter
- Stiffening of the cabinet
- Painting the insides with noise-x
- New internal cabeling
- New bolts and fastenings for main elements.

They now sound fantastic! And play in a different league!

And probably more mods to come! ;-)
After intense and red-eye forum nerding, I landed on coated solid copper wire, 2x1,5mm for each binding post. Warning, that is stiff and a bit hard to work with, but sounds great!

I unfortunately broke the posts removing them, installed a plate and new copper terminals.
I own the Zu Omen Def mkii’s. I did the Radian Tweeter upgrade. Big improvement over the stock tweeter. 

Please tell me me more about how the sound changed from stiffening and adding the noise x to the cabinet.   And can you tell me how you stiffened the cabinet and the process to apply the noise x?
I added a solid 1x1 inch oak dowel right underneath the main element towards the back wall. Made it a snug fit, had to force it in place, and glued it in place with epoxy glue. 

Prior to this, I used about 1L of noise-x sound paint (for each speaker) in 3-4 layers all over the insides.

aldso adding new bolts with nuts torqued from the back side of the front plate, allowing for much higher torque.

made the cabinet «talk» vanish, and a much more dynamic sound all over. Good improvement in imaging as well!!
Hey zuangbro, 

Could you be a real pal and give me some specific links to the parts you've used? I'm really interested in these mods! And the things I'm wondering about: 
- resistor
- capacitors

I had trouble finding the correct ones. 

AND: have you done any more mods? I've also considered changing out the full range drivers.
effect placebo, if you won to hear difference , make change in one speaker , leave second one as this , and  try to listen difference.
The human sound memory is short