Modded Players Bias in Listening

I read so many posts from people who love their newly modded CD players, whatever make/mod.

Here's the question - anyone listen to two stock players side by side of the same make, ship one off for mod, and then listen to the two again? I'm not speaking in absolutes, but to some degree when you lose a piece of gear for several weeks AND fork over 500-2000 bucks for the mod, I would think it possible for some bias to creep into the regular human's evaluation. But I am interested in hearing anyone's tales of A/B as mentioned above.

Showing 1 response by rcprince

I did this after the fact with my Sony SCD 777ES a few years ago after I had Jerry Ozment modify it to bypass the Sony analog stage with his tubed Audio Logic analog stage. A friend of mine had a stock 777ES for which he was considering modifications, so I brought mine over and we compared the two. I'm was sort of relieved to find that the improvements were quite audible to all of us who were there, right from the first bar of music, even though his player was fully warmed up and mine had only a half hour warmup. I had always felt the improvement in sound was significant compared with other Sony SACD players of that type I'd heard, but truthfully wasn't sure about the magnitude of the improvement until I did the comparison in the same system.