Maggie 1.6 or Hales Revelation 3

I'm am currently upgrading my speakers from the Spica Angelus to either the Maggie 1.6 or the Hales Revelation 3. I currently have a Basis 1400/RB 300 with Dynavector 10X4 cartridge. My phono section is an EAR 834P and my CD source is a Cal Icon Power Boss upgrade with HDCD running into a Audible Illusions Modulus 3A fully updated into an Ayre V3 with the first upgrade. I'm tending to lean towards the maggies... Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by alfonso

i have the hales rev 3 and the h theater with the center and rev 1 at back .i am in love with the hales.for the money they are the most natural sounding speakers you can clear for the money .there are better sounding speakers but not in this will need power as you will need it for the maggies.i use dawn cable.