Lyngdorf Customer Service

Anyone has any experience with Lyngdorf customer service?    I realize they are in Denmark which creates language and time zone barriers but they offer no telephone number or direct email on their website. There is a contact us option. I sent two request through it and both have gone unanswered. Great sounding amps but if one ever needs to contact the company looks like you’d be out of luck. Maybe they expect everything to be handled through the dealers?  What if your dealer goes out of business (not uncommon).  Please share any experience you’ve had. 

Showing 1 response by chayro

If you purchased from a dealer, demo or not, that dealer is obligated to provide assistance with service.  That is one of the things you pay for when you purchase from a professional seller.  Contact your dealer, not the company.  And just FYI, many companies expect you to handle service through dealer.  That's why they give the dealers a higher markup. Use the service you paid for.