Lumin U2 Mini

I was hoping to get user feedback on the Lumin U2 Mini. I currently have a Vault 2i and have really enjoyed it. The Lumin looks appealing to me for several reasons . I was hoping to find a server that would allow me to pull my Vault files through the network but it seems Bluesound is a closed ecosystem and doesn’t support UPnP . That said I noticed the Lumin has digital inputs . This would allow me to use anything in the Vault through the Lumin and my DAC 

I was also wondering how the Lumin app works compared to BluOS. Thanks !


Showing 12 responses by oddiofyl

I prefer the COAX to my Lab 12 and am using a DH Labs D-750 which is excellent for the money.  Using DH Labs Air Matrix Cryo out of the DAC lot my pre


Thanks Soix,  I am just trying to get a sense of what a good upgrade would be.   The dealer I bought my DAC from is an Innuos dealer and are pretty good about home demo.  Just not sure how much I will use the disc drive. 

There is nothing worse than a lateral move in this hobby...   I try to avoid that at all cost

There are several hundred discs , I have media on a 2TB drive also.    Can you move files across the network onto a dedicated streamers internal drive if I go that route?    

Thank you for the feedback.   I am going to check out a few of the major players including innous 

Thanks again to all who replied...   I actually did a complete 180° , switched gears and am having  DHT preamp built.   I'll revisit streamers after the new year.   Thanks !

I am still very interested in this unit.  I just need to sell off a few things.   Thanks for the info.  I would still like to access material on the Vault



Designsfx , I never had the Lumin but i was seriously considering it.   I was able to leverage a trade toward the N200 that was such a good deal I couldn't pass.      

I love the Aurender , it is a great machine.         

The Lumin looks like it offers a lot for the money.  I probably would have picked the U2 mini if the Aurender wasn't such a great deal .   I did not plan on buying a $6k msrp streamer but i have zero regrets ...   really great support from Aurender too

I’m using the N200 with the excellent sounding LAB 12 DAC 1 Reference.   Great pairing.   I have until June to trade the LAB 12 toward something 2x as much, but honestly I think I’m going to keep it for a while.  

I didn’t really give USB a fair shake and have it connected to my headphone amp for now via USB with a generic 2.0 cable.  I’m thinking of getting the DH Labs Mirage USB cable and revisiting.  I have a suspicion that the Aurender’s clock outperforms the Lab 12’s clock and that’s why I like the Coax connection 

My N200 has no DAC.   USB and COAX out only    I have used it with my RME SAC and it sound great in my headphone rig