London Howling Wolf Sessions

I just picked up a 1989 vinyl reissue of this record and I dig it. Ordinarily I can't stand either Clapton or Winwood, but you can't argue with the rest of the band and I am a huge Wolf fan. With him singing it almost has a third-stream thing going on, a little Pigpen-Blues Dead sounding. Plus, its actually a pretty good recording. The one thing that's a bit lame is that whoever edited the record cut off any jamming at the end of the tunes. My question is, is there an expanded vinyl reissue with the full track length, or even an expanded cd? For that matter, are there any additional tracks not included on the original album?

Showing 1 response by chadlesko

Grimace...I too am a huge fan of Wolf' fact the London sessions was the first album to turn me on to Wolf.

I have what I believe is the original pressing...70' date on the album. There are 13 tracks if you include the intro of "Little Red Rooster" as a seperate track from the title song.

Muddy Waters also has a London Session album...clearly something was going on with Clapton and the gang pulling their heros together.

In any regard, I do not think there is any long length LP out album has songs cut short as well.

By the way...Go Eagles!