Know about PranaFidelity?

Ran across a new speaker brand (to me) and would like to hear info, comments, impressions or even better, ownership experiences. PranaFidelity made in Denver.
I own a pair of Bhavas that I bought from Steven in January and I feel like every time I turn them on, they sound better than the day before. And I have not been listening to them under the best of conditions. They are currently resting on top of my previous speakers because the stands I thought I would use ended up not working well so I placed them on my Infinite Slope 1.8 floor standing boxes and that's where they have been ever since. And they still blow away anything else I have ever heard. I am playing them through a McIntosh MA7200 and a Linn LP12 Lingo Ittok Dynvector 20x HO. I did order the Sound Anchor stands that Steven recommends and when they come in sometime in July, I will write again.  
I, too am interested in these. I can find nothing online as far as pricing. Anyone help?
Like everyone's said, Pranas are wonderful speakers. The Fifty90s just hook you in to listen and throw critical thinking out the window. It's nice to forget why you got into this hobby and just listen, and the Pranas do just that.

I can't say that about many speakers.

All the best,

I ran into Steven at the RMAS in 2013, ultimately I purchased his demo pair of 108’s….full range 85.5db and 300lbs each….they like power and sound exceptional.    A few years pass by and I find the need for a smaller more power efficient speaker and after talking to Steven I purchased  the Fifty90’s to run with a Melody 300b integrated amp…. Very nice w/ a 22 watt amp.     He also recommended the Vayus speaker, very similar to the Fifty90’s but better fullness in the bottum response….89.5db ..I own 3 different models of Steven’s gear …..I recommend that you call directly