Kharma Ceramique in a small room ?


My listening space is rather small (about 4x3 meter). I use B&W 805 Signature now, but can get a Kharma C 3.1 at a rather good price. Will these Kharma's fit in my room?

Rest of my system =
-Symphonic Line Kraftwerk 2 int.amp.
-Metronome T1A + Audio Aero Prima DAC;
-Amazon 1 turntable;
-MIT M3 speakercable
-Nirvana SX interlink.

Thanks in advance,


Showing 2 responses by mattheus

Hi guys,

I've got the Kharma's since yesterday and they sound fabulous. Maybe a bit full on the low end, but this can be managed. But I agree that in a bigger place they would perform better. Problem is that the local WAF does not allow me to move my system to another place in my livong room... :-(


I replaced the MIT with a loaned Nordost Red Dawn speaker cable and this seems to be a perfect match in my system. No more overemphasis on the lower end of the sound but instead a well controlled yet deep bass with an incredible transparancy. I will sell my MIT and get a Nordost SPM or Valkyjra. The sound is full but not overloaded. I thought it would be impossible, but now I've got the proof that floorstanders can fit into a small listeningspace, goven the right combination.