ISO Pucks with Harbeth and Sklyan Stands

I have Harbeth SLH5 Plus Anniversary speakers with Skylan 4
post stands. Currently using the Q-Bricks that came with the stands.
Wondering if anyone has tried ISO Pucks between the SLH5
(or any Harbeth speaker) and Skylan stands. What differences in
sound, if any, did you notice.

Showing 1 response by b_limo

No experience with either harbeth or skylan but I always prefer to decouple the speakers from the stands.  Iso acoustics work well.

A fun and informative test is to play some music fairly loud, with heavy bass or kick drums, and touch the speaker stand... is it vibrating?  Now put your speakers on isoacoustics and repeat.  The stand should not be vibrating at all.  Its good to fill the stands with play sand or lead shot if possible.  I’ve been able to fill pretty much every rack and stand I’ve come across.  Sometimes you have to get creative and cap off certain areas or use tiny screw holes to fill stands (which is time consuming and tedious but worth it).

Anyhow good luck!  Iso acoustics are great products in my oppinion.