Is Bryson BDA-1 still up to date.

I am looking to upgrade my DAC and am considering a BDA-1. I know this is a couple year old design. Is this still a good option or is there something better out there in the under 1500 used price range. I have a MHDT Havanna Dac now and want to keep some of the sweetness with a bit more detail.
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Showing 1 response by chayro

If you are basically happy with the sound, I would try some cheap tweaks before switching. In my experience, placing components on cones or other hard footers tend to lean out the sound slightly, which may be what you are looking for. Cleaning up the midbass often gives the impression of more clarity, but possibly at the expense of fullness. You might also try a different IC, if you have several around, as most people here seem to.