Interesting video with Richard Vandersteen talking about his subs

Warning, I own and love Vandersteen Quatro's.  I did find this video highly informative.  He discusses subs in general and how HE decides to implement them wiht not just his speakers, but any.  He talks about freeing the main amp from 100hz down to allow your amp to sound better.  It also takes on the signature of your amp, which I first hand have heard many times.  Hope you enjoy as much as I did.

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maybe we should start an AJ Conti / Basis appreciation thread....

the Basis arm is a no brainer and a move I may well make when / IF one in decent shape come available...

right now I am using a nice Cardas power cable I picked up for a song.....
rocking system 7 and 7 this eve.....

1.2 Kilowatts per side...100% Vandersteen power.......subs and main...

Cowboy Junkies.......
Basis 1400
Rega 300 OEM arm with Basis silver wiring...
Etna Delos
HRS isolation base...

expertly setup by maestro Robert Quick of Stereo Unlimited in San Diego......

lucky and blessed I am....indeed....
listening to 7 and 7 right now.....Crosby

If I Could only remember my name.....magical stuff....deeply layered, big soundstage....sweet extended treble.....


no dark tubes required...but i got a few in tge signal chain...7 in the phono, 4 in the DAC, 6 in the preamp, 2 in each monoblock.....ha

tubes salemans dream......IF you get to Seattle, come hear them....

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