importance of phono cartridge

Is a cartridge more important to total system sonics than a turntable/tonearm, will a $1600 TT/tonearm with a high end cartridge sound better than a $5000 TT/tonearm with a average cartridge

Showing 2 responses by dan_ed

As to your question. Let's assume that your price points do indeed translate to 3 times better performance from the arm and table. Also I'll make the assumption that we use the same middle of the road cartridge on both arm/table combos. In my experience the better table/arm will still sound better than the lesser table. It is very possible to get peak performance from a $500 cartridge on the better table/arm. It is often not possible to get peak performance from a $2000 cartridge on a lesser table/arm.

I'm guessing that you are trying to justify a cartridge purchase. The most anyone can do with the question you have asked is to give generalizations. If this is indeed what your about you could get much better responses if you ask about specific component combinations you may be considering.
Alun, I would agree that the stand is very important. Especially considering non-suspended tables. However, there are very well designed suspended tables that don't much care what they sit on, within reason.

I think this discussion has morphed abit from the original question which is being answered in rather general and broad responses about synergy. If we start talking more specifically about components and combinations then I expect that many posters here would change their answers. Just an observation that we have broadened the scope of what started this thread.