How Long Ago Since You Cried Listening To Music?

For me is was last weekend, The group "Sugarland" singing "Stay".

Showing 4 responses by inna

Crying no, but once I shit myself when I forgot that my amp's volume was at 12 and I started playing Machine Head.
It was so loud and so sudden. Oh boy..
I apologize for somewhat inappropriate comment, but the OP really pissed me off in another thread. Also, I didn't quite do what I said I did but that was close.
Now, music can evoke very strong emotions and can have an incredible cathartic power. That's good. And the better the sound the more the power. The language of music is universal and to various degree understood by everyone.
"Music is the truest art form". Agreed. Even the best poetry read well sounds like music too. So do some dialogues or monologues in films.